"Most drugs have no curative effect whatever on the diseases for which they are administered. We do not feel under obligation to give drugs at all, except where the patient's attitude or the attitude of his family makes it expedient. "Professor William Osler, M.D., in Modern Medicine.

"We medical men know little or nothing of the real action of drugs. "William Osler, Medical Author and Critic.

"The drugless doctor is steadily growing in influence. Medicine is facing an ever increasing wave of discredit. "D.D. Tait, M.D., President of the San Francisco Medical Society.

"Every educated physician knows that most diseases are not appreciably helped by drugs. Richard Cabot, M.D., Chief of Staff, Massachusetts General Hospital.

"The cause of disease is the poisonous drugs physicians superstitiously give to effect a cure.-Charles E. Page, M.D., Boston, Massachusetts.

"The drugless healer is one of the best things that has come into the life of the present. -Charles Mayo, M.D., of the Mayo Brothers, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.

"I place no confidence in drug therapeutics. Drugs, with the exception of two, are valueless as cures. -Frank Billings, M.D., Ex-President, The American Medical Association.

"There is not a single medicine in all the world that does not carry harm in its molecules-there is no medicine that does not harm." -J.N. Hurry, M.D., Indiana State Board of Health.

"Drugs do not cure disease. The particular symptoms may be quieted by some drug, but the disease itself remains.'-T.R. Allison, L.R.C.P., London, England.

"If I take medicine for my liver it is probably doing harm to my stomach. - What people need is to stop taking medicine. Any doctor who persuades people into taking NO drugs will soon make a reputation for curing chronic diseases. - C.S. Carry, M.D., Columbus Medical Journal.

No reputable physician nowadays gives medicine indiscriminately to every patient who applies. The modern doctor has lost his old-time faith in drugs, for the simple reason that they do not always do what is claimed for them. Frequently we have found that they do more harm than good. A drug for instance, may 'cure' a pain in the head, but do permanent damage somewhere else. -Captain Hughes Merns, M.D., The Office of the Surgeon General, Washington, D.C.

"All diseases are caused by chemicals, and all diseases can be cured by chemicals. ALL the diseases used by the body-except for the oxygen we breathe and the water which we drink-are taken in through food. If we only knew enough, all diseases could be prevented, and could be cured through proper nutrition. - Thomas Douglas Spies, M.D., in a paper read before the American Medical Association at its Annual Meeting of 1957, as reported in Newsweek, June 1957. Dr. Tom Spies received the Distinguished Service Award, the highest honor the American Medical Association can bestow, at their 106th Annual Meeting in New York of that year.

All medical doctors take the Hippocratic Oath before they begin the practice of medicine. And it was Hippocrates himself who said, "Your food shall be your medicine, and your medicine shall be your food." [Part of the Hippocratic Oath is the promise to never knowingly give poison to one's neighbor. The Lord reiterated that fact to us, of letting our food be our medicine, over a century ago, and it must have been in His providence that one of OUR doctors should be the one many years ago to present this truth to the American Medical Association. Why have we permitted the world to steal a march on us? Is it because, like Israel of old, we have despised His prophet? It seems so regrettable that some of our medical men have labored so earnestly to maintain a "good standing" with the medical trust that they are willing to jeopardize their standing with the Great Physician. What perplexity it must cause the angels as they see men of the world practicing and educating in the natural methods of healing that we should be employing, whereas so many of our own medical men are following a course that has been forbidden to us-a course that is responsible for many deaths.

"God requires His servants to walk in the light, and not cover their eyes that they may not discern the working of Satan . . It is a lamentable fact that Gods servants are not half as much awake to the wiles of Satan as they should be. And instead of resisting the devil that he may flee, from them, many are inclined to make a compromise with the powers of darkness."-Testimonies, volume 3, page 196. At the top of this page, we are told: "Here the duty of Gods servants is made plain. They cannot be excused from the painful discharge of their duty to reprove sins and wrongs in the people of God, although it may be a disagreeable task, and may not be received by the one who is at fault."

As we have space here for this I would like to note some of the baleful effects of the wonder drugs-penicillin and the various antibiotics-on cases whom I have attended or observed, including relatives and friends. In contrast, it may be mentioned that never in one instance have I seen a patient die from the effects of the natural remedies such as are referred to in the Spirit of Prophecy.


It is true that antibiotics can and do destroy infection, and the might, indeed, be termed wonder drugs if their destructive work ended with the infection. But they are impartial destroyers. They have no discriminatory intelligence enabling them to travel directly to the seat of the infection and there select and destroy only the infecting bacteria. We are frequently told that the wonder drugs kill the good and the bad bacteria alike, thus crippling the body's natural defenses and as Sister White put it, "sowing a seed crop that will never lose its destroying properties throughout the lifetime. (Medical Ministry, page 229.]

In corroboration of the above statements, here is a quotation from an address presented by William E. Smith, M.D., of Englewood, New Jersey, at the Annual Convention of Natural Food Associates, at Little Rock, Arkansas, on February 16, 1957:

"I have induced cancer late in life in hundreds of animals by giving them when young a single dose of carcinogens [cancer-causing chemicals or agents] in  amounts that you could put on the head of a pin."

Herbert Snow, M.D., for many years the senior surgeon of the Cancer Hospital of London, England, said:

"Of recent years many men and women in the prime of life have dropped dead suddenly, often after attending a wedding feast or banquet. I am convinced that 80% of these deaths are caused by the inoculations or vaccinations they have undergone. These are well-known to cause grave and permanent disease to the heart. The coroner always hushes it up with 'natural causes.' "

W.B. Clark, M.D., of Indianapolis was even more positive when he said, "Cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have had to do with at least 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person. "

It has been stated that Sister White was vaccinated. As a child I was vaccinated also, before I had been given our Adventist health message. It may well be that Sister White was vaccinated before she received from Heaven our health message.

Here is an interesting report on the severe toxic-poisonous-effects of several of the antibiotics. It is reported in the book, Antibiotics, in 1953, and is written by Robertson Pratt Ph.D. and Jean Dufrewy, D.Sc., both of the College of Pharmacy, of the University of California, At the conclusion of the chapter devoted to penicillin are listed the following toxic physiologic effects on the patient: " . . pruritis, urticaria, nausea- 10% of patients: penicillin tongue, asthmatic attacks, anaphylaxis /protein sensitization that results in a severe reaction, or death, when a second injection of the drug is later given/ and serum sickness. When a regimen of penicillin therapy designed to maintain continuously a therapeutic concentration in the blood is followed, sometimes the normal formation of antistrepolysis is impeded or may be prevented altogether, [and] the body may fail to produce antibodies."

Tyrothricin and two other antibiotics were also mentioned as causing occasional irritability and necrosis [cell or tissue death] at the sight of injection as well as nodules in the lung, the liver, the spleen, the kidney and the heart tissue of experimental animals.

The allergic reactions, to Streptomycin are listed in this book as follows: "Urticaria, nausea, shock, .. Likewise as judged by the incidence of dizziness following its use, dihydrostreptomycin was at first considered less toxic than streptomycin which, at a dose of 2 gms. daily for 4 months produces irreversible [permanent damage] and sometimes complete, depression [total loss of function] of vestibular functions [of the inner ears, affecting the hearing; and the semicircular canals, affecting the sense of balance] in bout 85% of patients and even at a daily dose of I gm. can cause dizziness in about 59% of the patients. However, dihydrostreptomycin is a more insidiously toxic agent because often its use is followed by delayed and permanent deafness without [the] preliminary warning of chronic neuralgic damage, that streptomycin gives by inducing vertigo [dizziness] as vestibular function is impaired. "(So thoughtful of the streptomycin to make one dizzy so the doctor can stop giving it, before the individual goes stone deaf.)

The chronic symptoms of streptomycin toxicity are listed as: "Damage to the 8th cranial nerve, fatty infiltration of the liver, damage to the kidney, and blood dyscrasia with delayed reactions."

Some of the toxic effects of Auremycin are given as: "Gastric upsets, including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, mucosal irritation mouth and anal regions, suppression of biosynthetic sources of calicines or other obscure antibiotically active compounds that normally are liberated in the gastro-intestinal tract, and flare-ups assumed to be cause of death in some patients.

In another hook, Antibiotics and Antibiotic Therapy by Allen E. Hussar, M.D., F.A.C.P., and Howard L. Holley. M.D., F.A.C.P., we learn that the toxic effect of penicillin on the central nervous system has been demonstrated in animal experimentation and confirmed by clinical observation. Reactions from intrathecial penicillin have been described as follows: fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, listlessness, irritability, respiratory [breathing] difficulties, cyanosis (blueness of the skin], fall in blood pressure, circulatory collapse [blood vessel breakdown], muscular twitching, pain in legs and lower back, sensory disturbances [in hearing, sight, taste, etc.], areflexia (cessation of body reflexes], flaccid or spastic paralysis of extremities [hands and feet] cranial nerve palsy [defective brain nerve function], speech defect, nuchal [neck] rigidity, optic atrophy [gradual loss of sight], difficulties in micturation [urination] and defecation, unconsciousness, convulsions and status epilepticus [rapid succession of epileptic attacks without regaining consciousness during them].

In the same book, the toxic effects of streptomycin were listed as: fever, pallor [paleness], irritability, paraplegia [paralysis of lower portion of body and both legs], urinary retention, cerebeller signs, shocklike state, somnolence [prolonged drowsinnes or condition resembling a trance which may continue for days], convulsions, coma [abnormal deep stupor or sleep that the patient cannot be aroused from]. and death.

Most people have observed or heard of many of these reactions in people whom they know, or they may have experienced them personally.

Here is a comment along this line from the Washington Sunday Star of October 6, 1957: "Not Always a Life-saver-72 deaths Laid to Penicillin Use-More and more Americans are becoming sensitized to and unable to take life-saving penicillin, Dr. Henry Welch, of the Food and Drug Administration, reported yesterday. The chief of FDA 's division of antibiotics presented results of a Nationwide survey which uncovered 72 penicillin deaths and nearly 1000 'life-threatening' reactions attributed to today's antibiotics, chiefly penicillin."


After reading the above statements from medical doctors about modern drugs, do you think the Spirit of Prophecy was speaking only of the drugs of that day, or do you think that the Great Physician, who could see even down to our modern times included our modern drugs when He had the following written by Inspiration: "When drugs are introduced into the system, for a time they seem to have a beneficial effect. In nature's efforts to expel the drug from the system, intense suffering is sometimes caused the patient. "-Spiritual Gifts, volume 4, page 135. One who prescribes drugs gives the impression that he is either indifferent to their toxic effects, or he is willfully ignorant of the stupendous biochemical and biological reactions and functions of the human body.

Many, of course, think they are cured because the drug has suppressed the symptoms. But after a time they must come back for treatment for what appears to be a new ailment; whereas it is just the old irritation, plus the drug, manifesting itself in a new form. "Satan can present a counterfeit so closely resembling the truth, that it deceives those who are willing to be deceived."-Great Controversy, page 522.

We are reminded of Ecclesiastes 8:11, "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. "


Many people are unaware of the position of drugs in medical practice at this time in history. People are frightened into being vaccinated or inoculated. This is documented in an informative book entitled, The Drug Story, by Morris A. Beale, a news reporter, author and editor.

Within its pages you will find a thoughtful presentation of the development of the modern drug trade, and the business ramifications that it now has throughout the world. Working in connection with a benevolent and philanthropic organization, it promotes the sale of drugs, serums, and vaccines manufactured by its related drug companies and pharmaceutical houses. Medical doctors reading it would gain an insight into the reason why the drug industry is the basis of modern medicine and of the training that medical students are required to take in medical schools. Not a single course in nutrition is required in their packed program of studies.

But solid, firm principles have been given us:

"It is not necessary for our medical students to spend all the time that they are spending in medical studies. -Testimonies, volume 8, page 163.

"Often erroneous opinions are transcribed on the mind .. He is not to perform an action that does not harmonize with the deep, holy principles which minister light to his soul and vigor to his will .. The medical students are not to receive the idea that they may regard themselves as amenable only to the leaders in the medical work. They are to be left free to receive counsel from God . . Let us remember that individually we are working in full view of the heavenly universe. -Testimonies, volume 8, page 164.

"Many have exalted science, and lost sight of the God of science."--Testimonies, volume 5, page 82.

Recently advance advertising for the Asiatic flue serum went across America. We are told that the serum will be ready in September, and that the flu will arrive in December or January. The symptoms of the flu are listed as sore throat or an aching in the bones (which are symptoms common to a normal severe cold). And then we are told that the serum must be taken ahead of time in order to cure the Asiatic flu when it arrives. In order to protect themselves, the advertisers claim that 70% effectiveness for the serum. So if one gets a shot and still gets the symptoms of a heavy cold in December or January, he will know he is one of the unfortunate 30%.

The above paragraph was written in August. Since then we have had the opportunity to observe the severe reactions that the flu vaccine has inflicted upon some of those who urged into taking it. And now the official reports are that only a 12-50% protection from the "Asiatic flu" by the vaccine is claimed. Why will thinking men and women in the world-and in our church-allow themselves to be taken in by such an ad campaign? The first-named-and largest component of the Asian flu vaccine is SWINE. It is well-known that swine are hosts for the flu organisms. The God of heaven says in Deuteronomy 14:8 regarding swine: " ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor TOUCH their dead carcass. Again, He says, "In order to be fitted for translation, the people of God must know themselves, they must understand in regard to their physical frames. " -Testimonies, volume 1, page 486.

It seems hardly consistent with these statements for one to think that he should permit to be introduced into his body even a small amount of swine, be it ever so highly processed or refined, and regardless of who told him that this purifying treatment renders it innocuous. He is neither preparing for this life nor for heaven by so doing. Indeed, the Lord has given us explicit and easily accessible instruction which will enable us to obtain a relatively high resistance to disease. Men should not inject human beings with polluted serums: "A man that doeth violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit; let no man stay him. "-Proverbs 28:17.


Here is another recent pertinent newspaper article: `Experts See More Peril in Vaccine Than in Flu-San Francisco, Sept. 28.-A panel of medical experts has reached the conclusion that mass immunization against Asian influenza doesn't make sense.

"Among those on the panel were Dr. Karl F. Meyer, Emeritus Director of the University of California's Hooper Foundation, and one of the world's foremost experts on epidemic diseases; Dr. Lowell Rantz, Stanford professor of medicine; Dr. Henry Brainerd, University of California professor of medicine; Dr. Henry Bruyn, University of California assistant professor of medicine, and Dr. Ellis Sox, San Francisco Health Director.

"Dr. Rantz declared: if we were to give the vaccine to one million persons across the board right now, we would have more deaths and illness from the vaccine than we have with the flu.' Dr. Donald M. Campbell, president of the Medical Society, commenting on the clamor for vaccine, stated: 'Id say there is a good deal of hysteria or near-hysteria ..Im giving the vaccine only to relieve the near-hysteria.' Dr. Sox had this comment: 'Probably only 20 percent of the population will be hit. This means 80 [out] of 100 will not get Asian flu. He said the vaccine is only 50% effective and if it is given to the entire 100, only 10 of the 20 destined to get the flu will be protected. Of the 10, it is highly likely that some will be hit harder by the vaccine than they would have been by the disease. The consensus was: Don't worry about getting vaccinated; You probably are better off without it. '-Washington Star, October 6, 1957.

Quoting from the Drug Story, now in its sixteenth printing, we read on pages 150-151: "Some physicians are a little blunt in appraising the monetary value of medical ads and customs. . Dr. Matthew Pfeifenberger, when he was president of the Illinois State Medical Society .. spoke before the annual conference of Illinois Health officers at Alton . . He said, '. . I am informed that epidemics and infections cause only 12% of all deaths and that the percentage is declining rapidly. Only 15% of all children would ever get diphtheria, even under epidemic conditions, while 100% are prospects for antitoxin.

... Consider the statement of Guy L. Keefer, M.D., when lie was Commissioner of Health for Michigan. in an article published in the Journal of the Michigan State Medical Society, he said:

'With 100,000 babies born every year the increase in the physicians' income for diphtheria antitoxin would be from a quarter to three quarters of a million dollars if we could immunize all children against this disease soon after they are six months old. There would an additional $200,000 if we could immunize them against smallpox. Immunization against other diseases would help increase the earnings of the physicians who actively sponsor this modern type of practice.'

"In the year 1945 the larger serum companies of the United States reputedly made net profits of something like $143,000,000. These are facts quoted from Newsweek Magazine.'


Medically speaking, it would be presumption for a nurse to pretend that she knows as much as a medical doctor. Nevertheless, speaking from the standpoint of hygiene, logic, and just good, common sense, one who is not even a nurse but who has studied the Divine Blueprint of anatomy and physiology so comprehensively outlined by the Great Physician and Designer, will know how to preserve his own body in health. He will also know how to help his neighbor recover his health without recourse to harmful drugs.

Working in the illumination of the Light which has shone on our pathway for over a hundred years, what methods could have been used on the patient, whose case we have earlier spoken of in this study which would not have had these deleterious side effects? -What methods would have accomplished the desired results while working in harmony with the laws of her being? The Equinil was given for its tranquilizing and depressant effects-although, in this particular case, the patient was already depressed and apathetic. A prolonged neutral bath would have been soothing and relaxing. At the same time it would have been conducive to the elimination of body wastes through the skin. Naturally, a good internal bath should have preceded this so the blood as it circulated through the body would not pick up colon wastes to distribute through the tissues and organs. There are many other hydrotherapy procedures which would have performed the same function.

Cleansing of toxic substances and wastes from the body is a primary factor in the elimination of disease. At the Battle Creek Sanitarium one day a visitor stopped at the dining room door where Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, medical director of this world-renowned health institution, was standing. Looking over the many patients seated at the tables, he turned to Dr. Kellogg and asked, "What ails most of these people?" Kellogg replied softly, "Dirty bowels." A significant cause of most disease is nothing more than accumulated waste deposits in the different organs and tissues.

When the body (with no help from the head) puts forth a heroic effort to rid itself o its accumulated debris, and Nature presents the distress signals of pain, swelling, abscesses, etc., we today, are very unlogical in our reaction to all this. Instead of cleaning out the body with colonic irrigations, sweat baths, forced fluids, etc., we give a poisonous drug to suppress the symptoms, and eventually even normal body functions collapse, and we have a heart attack or cancer or death. Many modern doctors regard enema equipment or a colonic machine as archaic apparatus. I know it to be a fact that many patients in the hospitals have to beg for an enema, and when the order is reluctantly given and the body has been relieved of its load of retained poisonous substances, recovery is quite rapid.

Tranquilizers, such as Equinil or similar brands, are given routinely to some patients, and taken without doctor's orders by many people. Yet, frequently there appear news items warning of the danger of these medications. In the Washington Evening Star of October 31, 1956, Dr. Kramer, chief of the biometrics branch of the National Institute of Public Health, is quoted from an article in a Public Health Service publication. He warns that recent facts indicate that certain contraindications [negative side effects] of these drugs may well stand as a warning against their use. He also cites a report on the use of chlorpromazine which he says raises a question "of whether the tranquilizing drugs may have an adverse effect on the expectation of life [length of life] of persons treated with them."

While on nursing duty on some floors, I have had to fairly run the whole eight hours to get all of the prescribed medications and injections given on my wing. Patients are so well educated by such a regime that when a nurse enters a patient's room with a tray full of needles, the patient will docilely and automatically expose the areas that are routinely injected. Many patients facetiously refer to themselves as human pincushions, and these are often the ones who go on a continual round of the hospitals, always looking for help, while adding poison to poison and "constantly losing their hold on life."


In regard to the Vitamin B injection given to my patient (which is fairly routine with many doctors), Dr. Calmer Funk, the originator of the method of concentrating Vitamin B, now admits that the "synthetic product is less effective and more toxic." For example vitamin B-1 (thiamine) in small doses can cure herpes zoster (shingles), but large doses can cause herpes zoster-see the Journal of the American Medical Association, "Herpes Zoster Treatment with 2 Thiamine Chloride," by M.J. Goodman, 2 October 4, 1939. In addition, Bicknell and Prescott in "The Vitamins in Medicine" show that "a defiiency of Vitamin B-1 causes symptoms similar to hyperthyroidism; whereas an excess of the same vitamin caused similar symptoms. " According to Swedish investigators, Carlstrom and Longren, in Acta. Med. Scand. 105:504-600, 1940, "There is an increase of peruvic acid (a fatigue poison) in the blood of certain patients after prolonged treatment with B-1." In the Journal of the American Medical Association for June, 1943, an article entitled, "Hypervitiminotic Gall Stones," points out that thiamine can cause gall stones.

The laity at large does not distinguish between natural, crystalline, and synthetic vitamins. They do not realize that the natural vitamins put in our food by the hand of the Creator function in complex groups having synergistic relations to each other and to other food factors, such as enzymes, co-enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals. -They must all be present for perfect metabolism. In the crystalline and synthetic vitamins (such as are usually medically administered the LIFE principle is absent, having been destroyed in them. So while they may give a 'lift' for a short period-if taken over a long period without the support of an abundance of the natural vitamin complexes-they cause the very symptoms they were given to relieve. Whenever, by man-made inventions, we upset the delicate balance of nature, we must pay the penalty.

It is in keeping with our discussion to point out here that Dr. W.C. Heuper, Chief of the Environmental Cancer Section, National Cancer Institute, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, in his paper read at the 1956 Cancer Symposium in Rome, included both antibiotics (fed to food animals and added to food stuffs) and coal tars as two items in a significant listing of carcinogens (chemicals or irritants that induce cancer development in the body). Toluene, a coal tar derivative, is one of the solvents used in making crystalline vitamins.

As to the estrogenic hormone injection that this patient received twice a week, it is common knowledge that hormone administrations often accelerate tumor growths. Aspirin, of course, is given to practically every patient who complains of a pain. In addition to its connection with coal tar, Adelle Davis in her book, Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit, reports findings that aspirin has the quality of destroying Vitamin C in the body for three weeks after the drug has been given.

But what could have substituted for that synthetic or crystalline Vitamin B injection? On her breakfast tray this patient could have been served cereal made from freshly ground, organically grown whole grain and other foods containing the B-complex, instead of the degerminated, devitalized cereal so often served.

What could have been administered in place of the allergy-producing antibiotics? Dr. Klenner, Chief of Staff of the Memorial Hospital in Reidsville, N.C. speaks of Vitamin C as "the antibiotic par excellence. " A physician who has obtained striking results in treating polio with Vitamin C at the Los Angeles County Hospital matched Dr. Klenner's enthusiasm with the remark, "If anything should be called a miracle drug, it is Vitamin C "

These quotations and examples of patients treated with Vitamin C and their marvelous and quick recoveries are to be found in Adelle Davis' book Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit, in the chapter entitled "A finger in Every Pie." G.K. Abbott, M.D., in his book, The Witness of Science, the chapter on "Infantile Paralysis," tells us: 'Ascorbic acid I Vitamin C/ has proven capable of inactivating by direct contact in vitro every toxin and virus that has been investigated." Again, "The virus of poliomyelitis has 'an exquisite susceptibility' to oxidizing agents, among which Vitamin C is preeminent, because it is a natural nutritional element destroying the virus in vivo, the latter as shown by twice as many recoveries when monkeys are treated with synthetic Vitamin C over the controls.

In the use of the NATURAL Vitamin C, the nonparalytic survivors are six times as many as the untreated controls. Vitamin C, therefore, takes a definite part in natural resistance to the virus. Here, then, is another method of natural resistance and immunity besides phagocytosis, antitoxins, and other antibiotics.' This method of treating polio has the approval of Heaven, but one can hardly think Heaven's approval rests upon this advice found in some of our own publications, "Do your part in seeing that every man, woman, and child receives Salk Vaccine," when the Lord has provided in His non-toxic nutritional program both the prevention and cure for polio.

When the Lord removed the Tree of Life, I believe He planted the lemon tree to provide us with that which we need to detoxify the body and restore the body's vital resources. When man-made drugs attempt to take over the work of the body's natural defenses, outraged Nature often ceases to resist and permits the wonder drug to do its destroying work.