A valuable compilation of statements, many unpublished, on last day events
from the writings of Ellen White. Originally compiled by the Drs.
Rosenvold we offer it here for your study.
PDF E-book download.
Answers to
Objections A scholarly reply to the "REVIEW" of my book "OUR
AUTHORIZED BIBLE VINDICATED" B. G. Wilkinson. One of the dark chapters of
church history in the twentieth century! How a world renown SDA scholar
was discredited and his work discounted publicly and when his irrefutable
reply was presented, he was asked "Not to publish it" while the
attackers went right on presenting the refuted attack in SDA colleges and
seminaries. You owe it to yourself to KNOW the facts!!
Answers to
E-book download.
Arthritis &
Rheumaticism Over 50 years of scientific and clinical research
into arthritic and rheumatic diseases.
Arthritis &
a Little Child' Deepening Your Walk with God.
PDF E-book download.
Bible in the
Critic's Den From out of the past comes an amazing book written
in 1917 by a former skeptic, Earle Albert Rowell. Find here the roots of
the New Theology that is smothering true faith today in the accounts of
the inroads of 'Higher Criticism'.
Bible in the
Critic's Den:
PDF Download
Biblical Defense of
our Sanctuary Doctrine:
Entire Book
in PDF E-Book
Bringing it Back:
How you can help bring our Advent Movement back to a knowledge of, and
obedience to, the historic beliefs and standards given us by the God of
heaven. Here is how it can be done! PDF E-book download
The Broken Blueprint
Why is that blueprint not being followed today? How did our
schools veer off the path? This book provides you with that information!
For the first time in a single book, the entire fascinating story is told.
Broken Blueprint:
PDF E-book download.
Christian Experience of William E
Foy together with the Two Visions he received in 1842.
Truth that sustains and anchors Advent faith.
D. M. Canright: the
man who Boarded the Phantom Ship: What happened to this man
that turned traitor to the faith he once loved?
Also in PDF
David Dare:
A Bold Challenge to Unbelievers, Atheists, Pagans and Skeptics! Is the
Bible only a collection of myths and legends? Can it be proved to be
accurate? Thrill to the amazing prophetic accounts in this small
masterpiece of a book, written by a man converted from skepticism by the
shear weight of evidence!
David Dare:
PDF E-book download.
Defending the Godhead:
The answers to the confusion about the 'Trinity Doctrine' and Arianism as
well as a good Biblical understanding of the Godhead. PDF E-book download.
Defending the Spirit of Prophecy:
The most complete defense of Ellen White and her ministry available
anywhere! PDF E-book download.
Early Advent Hymns
1849 eBook! You have heard of that very first hymnbook--now
read the words of the songs for yourself! Notice what was important to
True Advent Believers--and what should be important to us now!! "Let the
dead speak" and let them SING also!
Editions of 'Great
Controversy' Deals with the many charges now circulating
against SOP and especially Great Controversy: Learn the Facts about the
writing of this book.
Editions of 'Great
Controversy': PDF E-book download.
End of Time Series
An Expanded Spirit of Prophecy Study We urgently need a clearer
understanding of coming events. That knowledge can help protect us from a
variety of errors when they are presented. This valuable series contains
many rare quotes and even some unpublished material.
End of Time
PDF E-book download.
(Separate PDF
booklets available here)
Feast Days:
Should we keep them?
E-book download.
Judaism to Christianity'
An autobiography
by F. C. Gilbert (A Hebrew
E-book download.
'Give Attendance
to Reading: Valuable council in the selection of reading
materials. PDF E-book download.
Here are two powerful Testimony series for us today:
Special Testimonies
Series A - PDF
Special Testimonies
Series B - PDF
Inside Rock Music:
Brings together a wealth of information on the subject. PDF
E-book download.
International Meat
Crisis: Behind the scenes insight into the whole situation! 176
pp PDF E-book download.
Is Your Soul
Immortal? Finally a scholarly look at The certainty of Life
after Death . . When? By Pro. Robert Leo Odom.
Your Soul Immortal?
PDF E-book download.
King James Bible and
the Modern Versions One of the biggest religious frauds which
occurred in church history. The most complete explanation of how it was
done. The largest in-depth defense of the King James Bible.
King James Bible and
the Modern Versions: PDF E-book download.
Last Day Events: Compilation from
Manuscripts and Letters of Ellen White
on closing events of earth's history in EBook form.
Letters to the
Churches by Elder M. L. Andreasen, 1957
Letters to the
Churches: PDF Download.
Living Fountains or
Broken Cisterns E. A. Sutherland (PDF)
Mad Cow Disease is
Real Mad Cow danger is no joke in today's world.
Mad Cow Disease is
Real: PDF E-book download.
Marian Messages
Final events as predicted by the spirits to faithful Roman Catholics.
Marian Messages:
PDF E-book download.
Medical Missionary
Manual NOW ONLINE!! The Spirit of Prophecy Blueprint for this
essential end-time work! The entire book can be read online.
Medical Missionary
Manual: PDF E-book download.
Our Authorized Bible
Vindicated Benjamin G. Wilkinson, PH.D. Entire 1930 Classic.
Detailed and scholarly insight into Manuscript History. Our
Authorized Bible Vindicated: PDF E-book download.
Preparation for the
Latter Rain From Elder Meade MacGuire. A Vital study for
this time in Earth's History!
Preparation for the
Latter Rain: PDF E-book download.
Preparation for the
Latter Rain-2nd. Christ's Message to the Remnant -
Heeding the Counsel. Another excellent compilation.
Returning to the
'Alpha of Apostasy' It is in response to the continuing
circulation and promoting of the material known as "THE KELLOGG FILE"
among Adventists today we present this in depth information about the
source of that document.
Returning to the
'Alpha of Apostasy' PDF E-book download.
Sanctuary Message:
38-Part SOP Study!
Searching the
Scriptures: Women's Ordination and the Call to Biblical
Fidelity--Samuel Koranteng-Pipim.
Solemn Appeal 1870:
E.G. White--Although this was written long ago the problems addressed are
still very much with us only the settings have changed. The counsel is
still of great value for anyone wise enough to recognize its truthfulness.
Solving Our Church Crisis:
Identifying Causes--Providing Solutions. A fascinating look at
denominational history.
Star of the New
Evangelization of America
Story of My Life:
Where the director of this ministry came from. The decisions which
affected my thinking and my life. Why I did what I did. How this ministry
began. How the Lord guided so there would be a Pilgrims Rest. Why it
started when it did.
E-book download.
Studies in Christian
Education: Sutherland: God has a PLAN for TRUE EDUCATION-- It
is a plan of usefulness and freedom; A plan that draws His children close
to His Heart.
To Ministers & Gospel Workers:
PDF E-book download.
Prophetic writings
never go 'out of date'. The words addressed to ancient Israel, also apply
fully to us upon whom the ends of the world are come. The counsels written
by the Lord's Messenger are even more applicable today than when written!
The warnings given and the problems and dangers revealed are a thousand
times more needed today!! Eternal consequences are at stake--learn what
the Lord's will for ministers and workers really is.
The Golden Oil
Understanding the Holy Spirit.
Vaccination Crisis:
PDF E-book download.
UPDATED!! The government wants to force you to have yourself or your child
vaccinated. Is this wise? Is it even safe? What can you do to truly
protect your family?
You can be an
Overcomer: Tapping into the promise: Sin shall not have
dominion over you!