thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues PART SIX OF TEN But now, back to the hypnotists. If you are daily living with God and His
Word. the kind of hypnotists you have to deal With (the men trained in
LAB I, LAB II, and advanced NLP courses) will probably be encountered
in lectures or personal conversations. First, let us consider lecture settings: A lecture setting would be a church service, campmeeting, or some other
gathering where people are assembled to hear someone speak. But it
could also include listening to a tape, or even to an independent,
itinerant speaker in a small home gathering (remember LOR!). "When you were with Erickson, did you have the experience of being
slightly disoriented, fascinated and entranced by the man's language? "Man: I was bored. "Milton uses boredom as one of his major weapons." Frogs into
Princes, p. 135. How very often people are in meetings of various kinds, or listening to
lectures on audio- or videotape, and yet for various reasons they are
only half-listening. It is at such a time that the Ericksonian worker
can accomplish his objectives more effectively. It is always easier to
hypnotize people that are already half asleep. "A related device is to use vocabulary and sentence structure in a
somewhat confused pattern--so as to mystify the audience. They
imagine the speaker is very intelligent because they cannot exactly
figure out what he is talking about; so they buy his conclusions without
checking them out. Remember that the deepest wisdom in the world is in
the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, and both were written in simple
language. No university graduates, no psychiatric experts, no great men
filled with their own importance wrote any of it. Only commonplace folk,
and the God of heaven. Beware of these people that are so wise that it
is with difficulty that you can figure out what they are talking about.
Truly wise men speak simply, directly, to the point. So what should you do when you find yourself in such a situation? If obvious error is being taught, then just walk out. But if you are not
so sure, but you do not feel comfortable in the situation, or just feel
bored; there is an excellent way to immediately solve the problem. When you go to Sabbath School, church service, midweek meeting,
campmeeting, or any other kind of meeting, take your Bible and a
Spirit of Prophecy book along with you. Then when, to the slightest
degree, the situation becomes boring or uninteresting, open and begin
reading. Shut out the world and have a feast of good things from God's
Word! You are not bored and no man is catching you in a net. Ellen White
tells us that when we are traveling and have nothing else to do, -to
open the Word of God and read a portion of it. If you cannot otherwise
profitably use your time in helping someone, or resting, then read and
think about Scripture and your thankfulness to God for all His many
blessings to you. Open His Word and memorize a command or a promise. The emphasis, with these men, is reaching the unconscious and changing
it in accordance with they way they think it should be changed. "Look, I'm not talking to your conscious mind. I'm talking to the
part of you responsible for this pattern of behavior. It's going to
run the show. I'm going to serve as its consultant . . "I want to go directly to the part of Dick which is controlling his
behavior at the unconscious level. It -Frogs to Princes, p. 140. That is totally wrong! First, According to the Bible and Spirit of
Prophecy, the "kingly power of reason"--the reasoning,
thinking mind--is to rule the body and decide what shall be done. But
Ericksonian hypnotists seek to bypass the frontal lobes and deal
directly with the more impressionable emotional portions of the brain.
We must not let that happen. Second, it is unscriptural to let another man control our mind, or for us
to seek to control the mind of another. Have nothing to do with people
involved in that kind of activity. In the above quotation the operator
explains that he is saying something to the unconscious mind. When he
speaks to it, a definite purpose may form in his mind as to the changes
that should be made, but there may be none at all. What is his purpose, his objective? What changes is he trying to produce
in the client through storytelling, when he admits that he has never
heard the problems the client has? Simple enough: According to the
author, he frequently just works at random, cares not for what kind of
response he gets, believing that it will always work out for the best,
no matter which direction it may lead! Significantly, he knows that
whatever response, whatever changes are made will be "good
ones," since there are no "bad responses"! That would be
understandable by the views of a worldly evolutionist mind, for if there
are no moral standards, then there would be no bad changes in a person's
behavior. "If you decide before you begin a communication what will constitute
a 'valid' response, then the probability that you'll get it is reduced
severely. If, however, you make a maneuver, some intervention, and then
simply come to your senses and notice what response you get, you'll realize
that all responses are utilizable. There's no particular good or bad
response. Any response is a good response when it's utilized, and it's
the next step in the process of change. The only way you can fail is by
quitting, and deciding you are not willing to spend any more time with
it."-Frogs into Princes, p. 164 In all of this, we have to keep in mind the "intuitive guide"
spoken of by Changeworks Cassettes; that "being" who,
knowingly or unknowingly, is in contact with every hypnotist. That
spirit "guide" is able to make the random imbeddings and
interventions implanted by his agent, work out just the way (it) he
wants them to. And that thought should frighten anyone from ever
consulting a hypnotic counselor. You see, not only is the client deceived into trance control and
changes, but the hypnotizer is deceived into thinking he is in command
of the situation. He is being used also. In view of such a startling, haphazard approach to "helping people
through hypnosis," we well agree that changes may be made, but
will any of them be positive improvements? Are people really helped by
seeing professional counselors? At this point, the author of Frogs
into Princes mentions a research experiment that is worth keeping in
mind: "There was a research project that I think you all are entitled to
know about. Out of a group of people, one third of them went into
therapy, one third of them were put on a waiting list, and one third of
them were shown movies of therapy. The people on the waiting list (those
who never met with a counselor) had the same rate of
improvement"-Frogs into Princes, p. 164. He then concludes that the reason for the positive help is that regular
counselors lack the innovative methods he uses. When we go to people who are not earnest Christians for counsel, we
cannot expect to receive the real help we need. Only a person who knows
and loves God, and who values His Inspired Word above all other guide
books, can help you. He will do so by drawing you closer to God and to
His Word. For, ultimately, only God can really give us the help we so
much need. A GENERAL CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NOW BEING IGNORED By the 1950s, medical hypnosis was becoming increasingly
attractive to the physicians teaching at the College of Medical
Evangelists (now known as Loma Linda University). In an effort to
stop its rapid spread, the following action was taken at the 1957
Annual Council, held in October of that year: "Whereas, "In many parts of the world there is an increasing
emphasis upon the use of hypnosis in the treatment and cure of
disease, as indicated by: "a. An ever-increasing number of
articles in its support in the publications of various medical groups
and influential lay magazines. "b. An increased interest in hypnosis at medical
conventions. "The availability in certain large universities of
special advanced courses in hypnosis, open to carefully selected
medical practitioners. "Whereas, "It is generally recognized that upon entering the
hypnotic state, the subconscious mind, under the direction of the
hypnotist, takes over control of the senses and the actions of the
individual with interference from, or without guidance of, his
reasoning conscious mind. "We recommend, "1. That in the light of the warnings and counsels
of the Word of God and the Spirit of Prophecy, we as a denomination
recognize hypnotism as a dangerous procedure, and warn Seventh-day
Adventists against employing or seeking its use. "2. That we take a decided stand against the
teaching or practice of hypnosis in any Seventh day Adventist
institution. "-General Conference Autumn (Annual) Council
Resolution, October 1957. Do not seek out those that peep and mutter, or those that use
"modern techniques" from the same sources. Fruit from the tree of good and evil will not help you. All trances are
dangerous! God does not work with trances; instead He seeks to convince
the mind. "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the
Lord." (Isaiah 1:18) And then He adds, "If ye be willing and
obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. But if ye refuse and rebel,
ye shall be devoured with the sword." (verses 19-20). Submission and obedience to God is the issue. The total opposite occurs
when, by curiosity or neglect, men permit created beings to take control
of their minds. Give your mind to the Lord and to obedience to His Word.
He alone is to rule in your life. We dare not leave the Lord. He alone is our safety. His Word alone must
be our fundamental guide. "To the law and to the testimony; if they
speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in
them." (Isaiah 8:20). The fact that the experienced hypnotist
recognizes that he does not really know exactly what changes should be
made and yet then the changes are later made (!), reveals that he is
only being used by a supernatural power. It becomes clear that the
hypnotist is only the medium through which a super-mind is
accomplishing his purposes through one mind to control another. After
the captivated leave the medium, the trance factor can continue on for
weeks or months thereafter. "Did you find that six months, eight months, or a year later, you
were going through changes that were somehow associated with those
stories that he was telling? Ibid. Let us notice again a certain emphasis: "You go in and out of
various levels of consciousness throughout every day. Hypnosis is the
skilled and directed use of this naturally occurring state. "Dr.
Milton Erickson. . showed us how to use hypnosis to better meet
therapeutic goals. He taught that we can communicate with the whole
person by utilizing conscious and unconscious levels. Dr. Erickson also
taught us how to utilize and bypass client resistance by embedding therapeutic
interventions in seemingly casual conversation." NEINLP brochure. Remember this important point: The Ericksonian hypnotists want to reach
you and affect you when you are in low gear, when your mind is randomly
in somewhat disconnected thought, when it is not at high alert. The plan is to use lectures that you listen to or a personal
conversation with you to achieve this objective. Let us now turn our
attention to those "casual conversations," which, in reality,
are Ericksonian hypnotic sessions: How can you gain the victory when an
Ericksonian specialist comes knocking at your door, enters, and
engages you in conversation: (1) Pray for divine help, not merely when in a questionable lecture,
interview, or conversation, but all the time. Fullest strength in
meeting the sudden crises comes by living right with God all the time. (2) Do not have fear of man or Satan. Let your thoughts focus on: love
for God, thankfulness to Him for His care over you, prayer for
protection, and continued trust that He will provide it. (3) When in a questionable lecture, open the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy
and begin reading with interest. Just ignore what the speaker has to
say, and be caught up in the content of the book before you. (4) Recall the experience of Ellen White when the mesmerists, the
hypnotists of her day, tried to put her in a trance so as to affect her
mind and control her thoughts. "[Ellen White arrived at a meeting in Maine.] J.T. was there. He had
boasted that he understood the art of mesmerism, and that he could
mesmerize me; that he could prevent me from having a vision, or telling
a vision in his presence. There were many Present who had heard this
boast. I arose in the congregation. My visions came up fresh before me,
and I commenced relating them, when I felt a human influence being
exerted against me. I looked at J.T. He had his hand up to his face, and
was looking through his fingers, his eyes intently fixed upon me. His
lips were compressed, and a low groan now and then escaped him. "In a moment I remembered the promise which the Lord had given me,
and turned to him and related what the Lord had shown me in Portland;
that if I was in danger of being affected by a human influence, to ask
for another angel, who would be sent to protect me. I then raised my
hands to heaven and earnestly cried, Another angel, Father! another
angel! I knew that my request was granted. I felt shielded by the strong
Spirit of the Lord, and was borne above every earthly influence, and
with freedom finished my testimony. The saints were comforted, and
rejoiced in the Lord."-2 Spiritual Gifts, 62-63. That promise is for you! God did not intend that you become the sport
of the devil. When you feel tried, tempted, and in need of divine
help, plead for help, believe that it will come, and you will have it.
ABC - ask, believe, and claim. The help will be given when you need it
most. When to a special degree you sense danger, dart a prayer up to heaven,
and say, "Father, another angel; send another angel!" You are
His property, by creation and redemption, and He will care for His
own. The context of the following statement speaks about the certainty
of God's protecting care of those who remain with Him, even when evil
spirits would seek to overcome them: "When the soul surrenders itself to Christ, a new power takes
possession of the new heart. A change is wrought which man can never
accomplish for himself. It is a supernatural work, bringing a
supernatural element into human nature. The soul that is yielded to
Christ becomes His own fortress, which He holds in a revolted wood, and
He intends that no authority shall be known in it but His own. A soul
thus kept in possession by the heavenly agencies is impregnable to the
assaults of Satan. But unless we do yield ourselves to the control of
Christ, we shall be dominated by the wicked one. We must inevitably be
under the control of the one or the other of the two great powers
that are contending for the supremacy of the world. It is not necessary
for us deliberately to choose the service of the kingdom of darkness
in order to come under dominion. We have only to neglect to ally
ourselves with the kingdom of light."-Desire of Ages, 324. (5) Plead with God in your daily prayers that, when the time comes, you
will sense that you are in a dangerous situation. (6) When it comes, then send up an appeal-spoken or unspoken-to your
kindly, protecting heavenly Father for extra help. And then put your
mind in high gear, and be on the alert. If it appears to be one of those
Ericksonian "casual conversations, then, by an act of will and
words, dominate the conversation. It is not now the time for the
"courtesy" of sitting around, listening to people say all they
want to say. It is not now the time for you to sit patiently while
smokescreens are thrown up, so men can subtly introduce error and
strengthen their beachhead. If you sense danger, speak up, get to the
point; state Bible-Spirit of Prophecy principles, and make an appeal for
a decision on the basis of those principles. If the individual appears
to be trying to state a clear-cut position, he should do it concisely
and to the point. Any normal person of
average intelligence will be able to state his position simply, and
fairly concisely. If he appears to be beating around the bush and
sidestepping issues, then close off the conversation. If he is not
willing to consider your appeal to stand by stated Bible-Spirit of
Prophecy principles, then end the conversation and get out of there. And
take your loved ones with you. Remember Lot's wife; she wanted to linger
behind. By following the course of action outlined in the above paragraph, you
maintained a clear-cut objective in your mind and you actively pursued
it. This eliminated any possibility of irresolution or confusion on
your part. You defended God's Word, and then, if the individual
refused the counsel, you terminated the conversation. In this way, there
is no opportunity for Ericksonian penetrations while your mind is in
low-gear. You were in the fast lane; this was no low-gear conversation. COMING TO TURLOCK "Announcing: A special seminar is coming to
Turlock. Dr. John S. Savage, founder and President of LEAD
Consultants, Inc., is a lecturer, trainer, consultant, author,
psychotherapist, pastor, and minister of music and education. . Dr.
Savage will be here in Turlock for a 3-hour workshop on Friday
evening, February 1 [1991) at the Church. More details will be
coming soon. "- Turlock (California) SDA Church, "Church
News, " November 1990. "Special Weekend Coming in February! A special
seminar is coming to Turlock on the first Friday evening [Sabbath evening!)
of February. Dr. John Savage, founder of LEAD Consultants will be
leading out in a 3-hour introductory workshop. Dr. Savage is a leader
in (the) area of Church Growth and discipling. He has developed a
training seminar for the development of ministry skills in dealing
with the bored and apathetic church member. You will not want to miss
this opportunity to meet Dr. Savage and learn about the potentials for
ministry here in Turlock."-Turlock Church "Church News, II
December 1990. "Workshop is slated for Feb. 1: Don't forget the
introductory workshop with Dr. John Savage. The seminar will start at
7 p.m. sharp in the church. You will not want to miss this event,
and the LAB I that will follow in the month of March. Come find out
what it is all about!" - Turlock Church "Church News, "
January 1991. "What: An Introductory Workshop on Calling and
Caring Churches. . Who: The workshop will be of interest and help to
all church leaders who have a concern for reaching and keeping
persons involved in meaningful church membership. Both clergy and
layperson[s) will find the information interesting. Cost: The workshop
is free and sponsored by the Turlock Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Please use the attached registration form . . You will learn:
Congregation 'screening;' the tracks people take in leaving the
church; the personal pain of the inactive member; skills for
visitation; plans for the full training of forty hours: LAB I.
"-Turlock SDA Church, area-wide announcement to non-Adventist
churches in and around Turlock, California, January 1991. "Announcement: LAB 1- Calling-Caring Ministries;
March 1, 2,3, 9."-Turlock Church, Announcement to wide-area
Adventist churches, February 5, 1991. If you find that the operator is really a skilled hypnotist, then you do
well to only utter a warning, turn, take your loved ones by the hand,
and get out of there. I recall, back in the 1950s while we were both
attending the Seminary in Washington D.C., a friend of mine told of an
experience he had the night before. He visited a home where he had been
giving Bible studies. But, unexpectedly, Jehovah's Witnesses, who had
also been giving the family studies, arrived shortly afterward to
confront him. It was an interesting, but complex situation, but, in
afterthought, he noted that he made a mistake in even praying with those
unexpected visitors. They rejected the divinity of Christ and were in
total opposition to several other Biblical principles. Interestingly enough, as we go into the end of time, there will even be
instances when you will not be able to pray with some people. The
rebellion against God's Inspired Writings will intensify, and,
accompanying it, the separation between the faithful and those
determined to withhold obedience to God will widen. It is my earnest prayer that the above suggestions will bring you fresh
courage for the battles ahead. On one hand, our people need to know that
certain of our leaders are now taking training courses in Ericksonian
hypnosis. (You would not want to be ignorant of this would you?) On
the other hand, we should not now retreat into bomb shelters of fear and
isolation, lest we meet an Ericksonian pastor headed our way. We have
a work to do for God in the world! Be strong in the Lord! Deepen your study of His Word. Put on all the
armor. Be ready, in His strength to meet the enemy in battle. You are
not dallying with their ideas or toying with their theories. But when
they come to meet you, you will be ready. Especially beware of those who come, quoting disconnected Spirit of
Prophecy passages, and claiming to have "new light" for you,
your family, or your group. Feigning to be earnest believers in the
writings of Ellen White, they say they have advance "light"
that will strengthen your confidence in historic Adventism;--beware! If
their messages do not clearly agree with all that you have been
reading for years in the Inspired books, then you had better send them
on their way rather quickly. When such people arrive, you have a right to ask that they quickly get to
the point-and state their "new light." If they have genuine
new light, they will be able to give it within 10 minutes, and in clear,
direct statements. The people that need an hour or two to get to the
point tend to mystify and confuse. The hearers are charmed by their
smiling bearing and earnest, calm voices. The first half-hour or so
sounds so good; just like old-time Adventism. Soon relaxed, with their
guard lowered, they begin to become intrigued and then fascinated by a
cobweb of novelties. Men weave together a fabric of error, held
together by a woof of deception and a warp of maybe's, and present it to
a bewitched audience. Confused utterances indicate either a confused
mind or an attempt to deceive. No one with a confused mind
can have worthwhile light for you, and you surely do not need the other
kind around. Our people are craving "new light." That is good,
but only if they are looking in the right place for it. Far too many are
looking in the wrong place. We have, each one of us, enough light in our
minds from the thousands of pages of Scripture we have already read--to
finish the work on earth, if we would go out-trusting in Christ to be
our forward and rearward and give it to the world. We do not need more
light; we need to use the light we already have. So when men come to you
with "new light," which Quickly becomes apparent to only
consist of new theories, send them on their way, lest while dallying
with them, they capture you or your loved ones. The Word of God is, as it were, the protecting cleft in the rock that is
Christ. Living within it, we will have the help of Jesus and protection
from the last-day storms raging about us. But woe be to that man who
imagines himself strong enough or wise enough to consider so-called
"new light" which is not plainly stated in the Bible and
Spirit of Prophecy. Throughout this brief overview of how Ericksonian specialists try to do
their work, we note certain underlying trends: In casual-conversation contacts, their methods work because the person
tacitly gives his assent. (1) He is willing to remain in the same room
with the operator. (2) He is willing to engage in casual conversation
with the operator. Never talk casually to them! Get to the point,
state principles, and then get out of there. (3) He is willing to let
the operator decide what they will talk about. (4) He is willing to
think about something distant or past because the operator has asked
him. (5) He is willing to consider distracting and overload issues,
which the operator suggests, instead of ignoring them. (6) Thus,
consistently, he is willing to let the operator lead, while he fellows.
Perhaps this is why John Savage named his NLP firm, which presents LAB
I and LAB II seminars, "LEAD Consultants." The very term is a
synonym for an Ericksonian hypnotist! In sermon or lecture contacts,
their methods work because the audience is willing to (1) sit there
and listen to them, (2) consider what they have to say, (3) listen to
their stories, (4) enter upon "meditation" (alter states with
thoughts turned inward) at their request and "visualize"
things that are not there. If you are placed in such a situation, or think that perhaps you might
be in such a setting, first, dart up a prayer to heaven and as God's
little child, ask for protection for you and your loved ones, and ask
for "another angel." Then, act in accordance with your
prayers: Either leave the premises, or go out into the lobby, or, if you
are in an auditorium (not a casual-conversation) setting, and you cannot
do otherwise, open the Bible or Spirit of Prophecy book you brought with
you and begin reading. I recommend that it be a Spirit of Prophecy
book, for the reason that you will more easily be able to become
absorbed in what you are reading. A Conflict of the Ages book (PP, PK,
DA, AA, or GC) is excellent for this purpose, since they are filled with
stories, and it is easier to get lost in a story than in a statement of
facts. The first three have the most stories, and Great Controversy has
powerful stories and principles. You are not "following
directions" by doing this reading, as is the one who, at the
request of the operator, "meditates" or thinks about the past.
The door is opened to trance formation by doing anything they say to do! If you are in a casual-conversation setting, get out of there and take
your loved ones with you. If the hypnotist is in your home, order him to
leave, and if he appears slow to do it, consider telephoning the police
to have him evicted. He is on your property and you do not want him
there and he refuses to leave. If he refuses to leave even by the time
the police arrive, you can fill out a warrant for his arrest. PART SEVEN OF TEN If, in a conversation, an operator says, "You won't be able to shut
your eyes, It then turn and walk away with your fingers in your ears and
ignore him. When he becomes that bold, cease the conversation, your
proximity to him, even the eye and ear contact, and get out of there! In summary, here is a four-step way to deal with the situation: 1 - Praying beforehand for protection and wisdom to recognize such a
situation when you eventually find yourself in it. 2 - When it arrives, praying for protection for you and your loved ones,
and for help to give a warning, and then leave. 3 - Take immediate action to get yourself and your loved ones away from
the hypnotist's presence immediately, especially if it is a casual
conversation. 4 - Leave the premises as soon as possible, or, if it is in your home,
require that, without hesitation, he and his associates leave. There IS
a way they cannot hypnotize you! -By praying for protection and
getting out of their presence! But, as you go WARN others, and continue
to warn others afterward. God will protect you to the degree that you
rely upon Him and are not presumptuous. After reading all the above, by this time you will quite a: well agree
with me that Terry Ross in Oregon did exactly the right thing by opening
up before our people the terrible danger of what has been taking place.
A number of g our church leaders have been taking LEAD courses in Neuro-linguistic
Training, and Terry spoke up and protested. How very thankful we can
all be that he gave that warning! And what was the result? Don Jacobsen, Oregon Conference President did
not change; instead, he sent a conference officer to Terry's home
church to disfellowship him! "Because of many phone calls. letters and requests, I am writing
this brief summary of what happened at the trial on June 28. 1990. "Just a little over a week ago on Thursday evening at 7 p.m., I was
in the Youth Chapel at the Grants Pass SDA Church. I had been told to
prepare to defend the material I had written, entitled 'Omega'. On
arriving. I laid out my evidence, which covered fully a large table, and
also included a TV/ VCR, three video tapes and two audio cassettes. "Cliff Walters (vice-president of the Oregon Conference), Larry
Evans (author of the book. From Cell to Celebration, and special
assistant to President Don Jacobsen), David Bissell (pastor of North
Valley SDA Church), and most of the North Valley Church were present. After a brief devotional given by Elder Walters, he then specified the
'rules' we would be following at this trial. He said that the Oregon
Conference and its leaders, whether they were right or wrong, and the
celebration style of worship would not be discussed. None of my evidence
would be permissible at this trial. "Now, according to page 164 of the SDA Church Manual, it states
clearly that it is a fundamental principle of justice for the accused
to be permitted any evidence and witnesses he wants to use to defend his
case. If this is not allowed, then no church has the right to call any
action against the accused. "According to the letter from the North Valley Church Board, I was
within proper procedure to bring the evidence I had. Allow me to quote a
portion of paragraph two from that letter, dated June 20, 1990: " 'Because of this last letter entitled 'Omega', the board felt he
has gone to far in his divisiveness and criticism of the church and its
leaders. Therefore the board is recommending to the church in business
session that Terry be disfellowshiped.' "Anyone can plainly see that the 'Omega' tract was the issue. I had
come to defend that tract and had a mound of evidence, but it was not
allowed! . . Even though the evidence wasn't allowed, or my three
witnesses, a vote was taken anyway and I was disfellowshipped by a vote
of 28 to 25,"-Terry Ross, letter dated July 6, 1990. In this brief study we have given attention primarily to Ericksonian
hypnotism. But it would be well to review classical hypnosis, since
many of the techniques and results of both hypnotic methods are
identical. Pagan worship and hypnotism have always been closely connected. Where you
find the first, you will frequently find the second. Priests of
ancient Egypt would induce a state known as "temple sleep;"
during which time they would perform operations. Most of us have read
about the trance-like ritual dances that pagan worshipers perform. In
Africa, men will run through hot coals and their feet will not be
burned. Kata Ragasu and Sasa Rora, native Adventist pastors in the
Solomon's, told of how men would swim from island to island across the
open ocean. They would do so by calling upon the spirit gods to send a
shark. Grabbing hold of its fin, they would be pulled along to the next
island. Elsewhere in the South Pacific, workers of magic would wave
their hands at storms and they would cease. Incantations and peculiar trances occur. Men in India lay on beds of
spikes for years without injury. A woman in India will sit before cobra
snakes; both darting back and forth, until the woman her apron flecked
with cobra venom, suddenly darts forward and kisses the cobra on the
mouth. Several years ago, I related a story I found in a book about 1980. The
author, a tourist, was walking on a street in India, when a nearby man,
with a boy beside him, hollered to the crowd that he was going to do
something very special. The people gathered near, and this tourist decided
he would film the entire procedure! Setting up his camera, he shot the
entire sequence. What he saw was this: The man took a coil of rope from his shoulder and
threw it down on the ground. Then he reached down and grabbed the end of
the rope and threw it up into the air. Up and up it went, and then hung
there suspended from nothing. Then, turning to the boy, the man told him to climb the rope. As the
people craned their necks, watching in awe, the boy climbed to the top
of the rope. Then, the man took a long, sharp knife and climbed up the
rope after the boy. Reaching him, he cut off the boy's head, and the boy
fell to the ground! The tourist was horrified. All the while, his camera
was faithfully recording it all. Then the man climbed down the rope, and reaching down to the dead boy,
pulled him up-and instantly he, was made whole, fully alive and
unharmed. Everyone in the crowd around cheered, and money was thrown to
this "holy man." Then the crowd dispersed. The author of the book was eager to return home to America so that he
could develop the film. He had recorded the miracle-working power of
India on 16 mm film. When the film came back, he projected it onto a
screen. And this is what he saw: The man called to the people, with the boy alongside him. Then he reached
down and threw the rope up in the air, and it went up a short
distance-and then fell to the ground. After this, as the man and the boy
stood there Quietly by the fallen coil of rope, everyone around them in
the crowd stared at things not there. Intently, they looked up Quickly,
and then twice slowly stared at something not there moving upward.
Comments and gasps could be heard; then a cry of horror. Finally, all
eyes turned toward the man and boy, unharmed, standing there together
and everyone shouted. They smiled in return, received the money thrown
to them, picked the rope off the ground and walked away. Speaking to those people watching entranced, we recall the words,
"Freedom of the will? Whose freedom? Which will is controlling the
situation?" And we wonder: was this a formal "classical"
hypnotic trance, or only one induced by Eriksonian casual-conversation?
I suggest that it was the latter. Franz A. Mesmer (1734-1815), an Austrian, appears to have been the first
to widely introduce hypnotism to modern Western Civilization. In the
late 17005, he claimed the power to heal people with "animal
magnetism." In fact, he did a variety of very strange things, which
no one could explain. But it was also true that some of his patients,
who were well beforehand, became seriously ill afterward. Soon his
method became known as "mesmerism. " Later still, it become
known as hypnotism or hypnosis. Some hypnotists have diagnosed and "healed" people at a
distance of hundreds of miles. In the late 1700s, John Graham led out in
introducing it into England, Marquis de Puysegur in France, and Elisha
Perkins in the American colonies. James Esdaile, an English doctor
working in India, used hypnotism as an anesthetic, and performed 261
major operations on people he had put into a hypnotic stupor. Jean Martin Charcot (1825-1893) was a leading French hypnotist of a
century ago. Alfred Binet and Sigmund Freud were two of his famous
students. Freud developed his early theories by studying people who were
hypnotized. In this way. he could receive information directly from
spirit guides; the information that later formed his theories which are
today called "Freudian psychology. " Today, hypnosis is used
in hospitals for major surgery, in dental offices during drilling and
pulling of teeth, and by educational counselors, industrial specialists,
and family workers. Hypnosis seems to be reaching out into nearly
every sector of society. And now it is coming into the churches, and
even into our own denomination. While in the Adventist ministry, the present writer attended a
conference worker's retreat in the late 1950s, at which Jack Provonsha
spoke. He told us that hypnosis was invading Loma Linda Medical School,
but that he was trying to stop it. At the time, I admired him very much
for his concern to purify our standards. Since then, however, he himself
has swung far toward the liberal side. It seems that nearly all the world is being led captive by one
bewitchment or another. Who will be saved? How earnestly we must study,
pray, and obey! How earnestly must we cling to the hand of Christ! We
are but little, almost defenseless children. But if we will remain
close to Christ, and let Him fulfill His will for our lives, we will be
safe unto the end. But it is a moment-by-moment task. We dare not take
our eyes off of Him for a moment to look to ourselves, look to others,
or look to the waves. In addition to Terry Ross, Jeff Reich also sounded a warning against
Neuro-linguistic Programming. I read over his article, "The New Age
Connection, after preparing this present study. He has seen more of
these hypnotic books, and has spoken with NEINLP and LEAD hypnotists,
gleaning much information from them about Adventist involvement in these
hypnotic techniques. Here are points relative to Ericksonian hypnosis,
NLP, and LAB I and II in his study which are in addition to those to be
found in the present study: "These different institutes (LEAD and NEINLP] are clearly New Age
centers. The books that are suggested reading strongly express New Age
techniques. Here are some of the most popular titles: Frogs into
Princes, Magic Demystified, Meta-Cation, Reframing, Practical Magic, Patterns
of Hypnotic Techniques, Trance Formations, and Therapeutic Metaphors. The covers on some of these books are shocking, such as the one on
Trance Formations, in which there is a picture of a witch holding a
wand, standing in front of a curtain which has been raised. Through
the curtain are winged serpents flying off into the distant land beyond.
The book, Reframing, has a picture of a unicorn on the front. Frogs into
Princes has a frog being transformed into a prince. In the background
there is an incense burner and psychedelic colored tapestries. On the
backside of the book, behind the tapestry, is a large winged serpent.
Why all the winged serpents on the books? Who do these metaphors stand
for? . . "When I discussed NLP [on the telephone] with those at the NEINLP, I
told them about the Life Supports Ministries [LOR) up here in northern
Idaho and the things they are doing. I was told that NLP was a power
tool and could be used or abused by the person who has an understanding
of these techniques. They said it was up to the morals and ethics of the
person using NLP as to how it was used." "Ericksonian hypnoisis is able to embed therapeutic interventions in
a seemingly casual conversation, not to mention adding music, and
multiple voices to further the effect. Dr. Erickson developed a style of
hypnosis that is 'gentle, open-ended, and indirect.' "What does that say about certain types of music, such as rock and
roll, Christian rock, or any secular music? It can be a powerful agent
of hypnosis in planting specific messages in the mind, without it being
known. . "Mr. Savage [developer of LAB I and II) first came in
contact with NLP through reading a journal in 1981. Then shortly
thereafter, he was again re-introduced to NLP by a Seventh-day Adventist
pastor from Tennessee. Now he has his certification as an NLP
practitioner, after taking most of his training from Gene Rooney, who
is, not only his colleague at LEAD Consultants, but also a pastor of the
2,000-member First Methodist Church in Jefferson, Missouri. "Mr. Savage has given seminars around the world, and his books are
also being translated into several different languages. He is well known
among pastors, including Seventh day Adventists, for his LAB I (The
Calling & Caring Ministries) and LAB II (Training to be a LAB I
Leader) "I had a telephone conversation with Mr. Savage a few weeks ago,
which turned out to be quite interesting. I asked him if he used NLP in
his training seminars. He told me that in the forty-hour LAB I, there
was about five hours of NLP [five hours of hypnotic training in LAB I].
The LAB II had more incorporated into it. He said advanced LAB content
was almost exclusively NLP techniques. He also uses NLP perpetually in
therapy. "He verified that NLP was based on Ericksonian hypnoses, and stated
that Christians use hypnosis all the time. He mentioned. . that Jimmy
Swagert was a master of hypnosis, being able to introduce an altered
state of mind in his audience. . "I asked Mr. Savage about Finbar Noland and his ability to use,
what appeared to be, psychic healing: 'How do we separate Mr. Noland's
psychic healing from that of the psychic healers of the Far East?' He
told me [in reply], 'You don't. All healing is of a psychic nature. . '
Then I mentioned a case of healing that a friend of mine saw in the bush
as a missionary, where a witchdoctor healed a young boy. I was told [by
Savage], 'All healing comes from God.' . . "I asked him what he thought, since he was a minister, of the
pictures on the covers of the book he uses and propagates in his book
store. He told me that they were just symbolic metaphors and that the
Bible uses metaphoric language all the time. . (He said] his desire was
to bring in Christian concepts and reframe it with NLP language. . "I contacted Dan Goddard, who is the Ministerial Secretary of the
Potomic Conference in Takoma Park, Maryland. He is a LAB II instructor
and has taken advance labs from Mr. Savage. In fact, Mr. Savage will be
giving LAB II training for the Potomic Conference ministers August
27-September 1. I called and talked with Mr. Goodard and sent him
documents sharing my concerns, and have never received a reply. "Mr. Savage also finished LAB II training in Orlando, Florida for
the Florida Conference ministers last March. . I have found out that a
large number of Adventist ministers have had training in the LABS I
and II, and many have taken NLP training and are using it in their
counseling."-The New Age Connection. From the above, it is obvious that Ericksonian hypnosis is being
introduced with surprising rapidity into our conferences. Did you
notice the mention of "winged serpents" on the covers of these
hypnotic training books that our own ministers are now studying? Why
winged serpents? Apart from information given by God to His prophets, or
Satan to his agents,-no one today could know what that serpent in the
Garden of Eden looked like. By divine inspiration, the Spirit of
Prophecy explains that it had wings. Satan has also revealed that fact
to his agents and they are now portraying it. This winged-serpent aspect
reveals the source from whence these hypnotic concepts emanate. The remainder of this tract set will consist of several additional
specific hypnotic-type problems now entering our church: THE BREATHE FREE PROGRAM The Five-Day Plan to Stop Smoking, was started by J. Wayne McFarland,
M.D., and Elman J. Folkenberg (Robert Folkenberg's uncle) in 1960.
During the first three years of operation, 20,000 smokers were helped in
programs conducted by McFarland and Folkenberg in stop smoking
institutes all over North America. Emphasis was placed on will power, combined with trust in God for help to
carry it through. About a decade ago, Breath-Free took its place. But Breath-Free is based,
not on a personal decision to stop, combined with the help of God to do
it, but instead on visualization and psychological techniques. "Most smokers in North America know that smoking is hazardous, but
they don't know how to stop, So the new plan emphasizes
lifestyle-modification strategies such as values clarification,
modeling, visualization, affirmation, positive thinking, and rewards.
-Breath-Free Plan to Stop Smoking, brochure. Values clarification, as taught in the educational institutions, is the
concept that all values are equivalent, so you should select that the
ones that will help you the most. Modeling means to copy those traits in
other fallible humans that you would like to have in yourself.
Affirmation means to prefer one solution over another one. Positive
thinking is the idea that you can do it if you are confident and vibrant
enough in your outlook. Rewards is keyed to behavioral conditioning: If
I don't smoke for one hour, I will treat myself to a candy bar, etc. In
summary then, Breath-Free is based on the concept that man can do all
things; he just needs some modern psychological techniques to help
him. But what about visualization? In a brochure by Breath Free, the reader is
told that, visualizing himself later as a success without cigarettes,
will so impress his "sub-conscious" that he will gain the
victory: "You can be the architect of your own self-image. . If you
consciously hold this unshakable image of yourself successfully living
your life free of cigarettes, it will soon, through repetition, sink
down into the fabric of your subconscious as an accepted truth on
which to base future behavior. "Since your subconscious self-image acts on course, you will tap new
strength and energy to keep your life in harmony with your new
self-image. "Begin now to establish your new self-image as a person who is
free from smoking. Visualize yourself in detail as the person you intend
to be; then choose to make that vision become reality. Repeat your
affirmation, 'I love being free from smoking.' You see, 'We create our
lives with our thoughts.' "When you believe you are a nonsmoker, you will not light up a
cigarette. By desirings, visualizing, and believing yourself to be a
non-smoker, you can become one. The Breathe-Free Stop Smoking Plan,
pp. 28-32. Notice in the above statement, that, in the second paragraph, through
visualization you will reach down into the depths and bring up "new
strength and energy" to enable you to make this change. In the
third paragraph, you will talk yourself into the change. The fourth
paragraph explains that success will come about as a result of believing
in yourself. All THIS is totally New Age! This concept of visualization comes from Hinduism, which teaches that by
thinking about something, we can change our body. Mental imagery results
in personality change or physical healing. The highest levels of visualization
can only be attained through hypnotic trances, according to Hindu
theory. "In a recent interview, reported in the Journal of Transpersonal
Psychology, the Dalai Lama (the former ruler of Tibet, and one of the
most important Buddhist religious leaders in the world today] declared
that 'the use of the imagination '" generate or visualize an image
in the mind's eye' is an integral part of tantric Yoga; and he explains
how this ancient practice is related to similar techniques recently
adopted in modern psychotherapy. "Christian leaders who promote and defend visualization seem
unwilling to admit that it lies at the heart of religious beliefs that
are demonically inspired and unalterably hostile to Christianity. The
(Christian leaders] suggest instead that shamanistic visualization is
(only] a counterfeit of God's truth which they teach. However, there is
no true visualization thought or practiced in the Bible for Satan to
counterfeit; visualization is as absent from the Scriptures as it has
always been present in the occult. . "There is no more obvious link between paganism/occultism and modern
psychology/religious practices than visualization. . Psychic healers
Bill Henkin and Amy Wallace stress that 'visualization is one of the
most potent and widely used techniques in (psychic] healing.' Steller
declares that the exercise of 'visual imagination is a regular part of
the training for psychics and healers in.. spiritist churches."-The
Seduction of Christianity, pp. 140-141. ADVENTIST IMAGING MEDITATIONS William Loveless is a well-known East Coast pastor and administrator. For
a long time he has been one of the most influential Seventh-day
Adventists in Takoma Park, Maryland. For over a decade and a half, he
has been president and chairman of the board of Columbia Union College
(formerly Washington Missionary College). As you might imagine, he is extremely influential. We recently received
an audiotape of a lengthy instructional lecture by Loveless. On a major
part of it, he gives a sample "meditation sermon" to his
audience. In this sermon he discusses the need for visualization in
meditation as a primary means of maintaining Christian experience. He
alludes to a variety of non-Adventist and non-Christian psychologists
and authors as evidence in support of his meditations. He says the
"mystics" of earlier ages have pointed the way, and we should
follow in their steps. He also quotes a couple from the Spirit of Prophecy as further evidence
for what he wants the audience before him to do. He says this can be
done by imagining scenes from Bible times, but then he earnestly
cautions that it cannot be done by thinking of descriptions of
Biblical events, as given in the Spirit of Prophecy. He says that the
imagination somehow will not be able to grasp that. Why would that be?)
He is very concerned that the Spirit of Prophecy writings not be used as
the basis for these waking dreams, but only the Bible and a free-ranging
imagination. He seems concerned that his audience avoid the Spirit of
Prophecy, and he notes how trivial it is, compared to the Bible.
Cautioning his hearers that the Spirit of Prophecy is only "a
lesser light," he says it is incompatible for the production of
these important visualizations. (Perhaps he has noticed that the church
members, who are faithful to both toe Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, do
not effectively come under these meditative spells.) |